RaceM1nd Logo on Asphalt


RaceM1nd(ed) Rebuild

Hello and welcome to our brand new website! 

With this post we are officially revealing our new brand name and logo: RaceM1nd.

Operating under the name RaceMinded, we have been around since 2007 and we felt it was time for a rebuild and reboot. If you have been with us in the past, we'd love to welcome you back. And if this is the first time you get to know us, then we say: "Nice to meet you ;)". We can't wait to show you what we have in store for you (quite literally)! 

In any case, we welcome you all to RaceM1nd.com and hope you will stick around. If you want to make sure you don't miss anything, then subscribe to our newsletter or follow us on any of the following platforms:


What's next?

Currently we are still working hard on perfecting our online presence, including this website, and after that we will be launching some banging new designs and products. Ofcourse we're always open to suggestions and questions so don't hesitate to contact us if there's anything we can help you with in the meantime!



Team RaceM1nd.

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